Twin Pregnancy Questions (and Answers!)

As soon as people find out I’m having twins, they inevitably have the same questions. Coming from close friends it’s fine, but some of them feel weird when coming from strangers. I’m starting to realize that these are questions every twin mom and/or twin gets, and I better get used to answering them because they won’t stop after the twins are born! Apparently a double stroller is a magnet for questions like these. So to…
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We’re Having TWINS! | How we found out…

Guys, we are having TWINS. It’s happening.  We found out about 6 weeks ago, but it’s taken some time (and a couple of ultrasounds) for me to REALLY believe it.  We got pregnant right away, but I was worried leading up to my first ultrasound because of a previous miscarriage (more on that another day). I was trying to mentally prepare myself for the worst, and felt so many nerves going into that first ultrasound.…
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