What I’m Into This Week | 3.18.16

It’s Friday!  It’s been a crazy but good week for Blake and I, and even though it’s crazy I feel like it’s the calm before the storm!  We are laughing as we watch our days and weekend book out on our calendar for the rest of the spring and summer, so I’m using this weekend to prepare – and enjoy our new puppy! Yep, puppy.  We’ve officially had our sweet puppy Lo for a week.…
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Whole 30: My Results

I am both excited and hesitant to write this post, as I’m not sure how best to put it into words.  There are so many opinions and methods surrounding diet, health, and wellness, and I definitely don’t think there is any one way that works for every one.  All of our bodies are different, and require different care and attention. That being said, I want to talk to you about a specific method called Whole30.  …
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